About Me

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East Lansing, MI, United States
I just graduated from Michigan State University with a bachelor degree in Elementary Education. I moved to Chicago and I am student teaching in Hyde Park

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Technology in the classroom

I don't consider myself completely technologically savvy, but I also don't consider myself to be technologically incompetent either. I am in between. I can follow directions, I can catch on quickly, and (for the most part) I am able to complete the task again in the future.
Some technological tools I think are important for teachers to be comfortable with using are PowerPoint presentations, speadsheets, email, projectors, Smart Boards, and DVD/TVs. I am sure there are a great number of equally useful technological tools that I am leaving out, but I feel that these are the most important for teachers. PowerPoint presentations are a great way to present information within a classroom. It is also very useful to post online or send via email to a student who may have been sick that day and missed the lesson. Teachers also need to be competent in using email and using it well. This is key to coming in contact with parents, other staff members and even students. Smart Boards are becoming more and more common within schools. It is important that teachers becoming familiar with this tool and use it to their advantage.
I listed these tools because these are all the tools that I feel competent and comfortable using. I am interested to find out more technological tools to use within the classroom and become familiar and comfortable using those as well.
I hope to become more familiar with blogging during this experience! I think this could also be a great tool to use within the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. You seem to have a good awareness of how some technologies can be useful in the classroom. One key to using technologies as an educator is to be able to reflect like this on a single technology and see the multiple ways it could be used, often not how the technology may have been intended to be used, such as PowerPoint being used to make learning games for the classroom.
