About Me

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East Lansing, MI, United States
I just graduated from Michigan State University with a bachelor degree in Elementary Education. I moved to Chicago and I am student teaching in Hyde Park

Sunday, March 21, 2010


In one of my TE classes, I had to create a presentation on a type of literacy using a technology that I had never used before. I chose to do my presentation on emotional literacy. Emotional literacy is when a person is in tune with his or her emotions and is able to pick up on other people's emotions. Being emotionally literate helps with controlling one's anger, can easily help other people and generally get along with others. It is also proven to reduce violence in school and help students focus better in class.

I had a tough time coming up with a new technology to use. I had done a lot in my CEP class but wanted to try something new. After doing some research I found a website where you can make 'scrapblogs'. Scrapblogs are (you can guess by the name) a blend between scrapbooks and blogs. You can create a scrapbook online with different templates, stickers, and pictures and post it on the web or print it out for your own use.

I had a great time making my scrapblog! It was easy and really fun to play around with. This is a great tool to use in the classrooms (if resources allow). Students can create fun projects on anything! It is also a great tool to use at home to make personal scrapbooks and photo albums.

Here is my finished scrapblog! Enjoy :)


  1. I just love your scrapblog. I think it is a great way to present your information on emotional literacy. Emotional literacy is something that is often hard for young children because they are often unaware of the emotions are feeling. This is a great way to bring those emotions to life and help them know what it means to feel happy, sad, excited, etc. Great job :)

  2. Alison,
    I agree with Megan...great scrapblog! The New Literacies project was a great way to explore new technologies that could be incorporated in the classroom. I made a Wiki for cultural literacy. Before viewing your scrapblog, I was not very informed on emotional literacy. Great work! Megan was right in saying that children are often unaware of their emotions or feelings. This is a great way to channel that.
