About Me

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East Lansing, MI, United States
I just graduated from Michigan State University with a bachelor degree in Elementary Education. I moved to Chicago and I am student teaching in Hyde Park

Monday, April 19, 2010


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License.
I have a new found appreciation for emails, yet the same frustrations. I have recently noticed that my MSU email has not been 100% reliable. Good thing I have my msu account linked to my gmail account because that was the only way I figured out the problem. I don't know how long this has been going on (it still is not fixed) but thank goodness for gmail or else I would not be able to receive or send emails.

I rely fully on emailing. It is how I communicate with my sorority (mass groups), how I turn in homework and projects, and how I send pictures to my dad who is helping me out with my graduation announcements. I NEED emails in order for my day to run smoothly.

I have also noticed recently how helpful emailing is in the classroom. My CT just mentioned today how she sent out a mass email to the parents asking their input on an impromptu field trip she wants to do in 2 weeks. When I was in elementary school if my teacher wanted to get a hold of my mom or dad she had to send home a note or letter or call my house. Now, teachers can send out mass emails and know it is going directly to the parents. Parents can then respond directly back to the teacher. It saves paper and doesn't have to go through the child (who cannot always get the message to the parent..)

However, when email services are down what do we do then? We are lost without emails. They make everything easier. When they work, that is!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Smart boards

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic License.

One of the greatest inventions for teachers is The Smart board. A tool so versatile that a teacher could use it for every single lesson if he or she wanted to. The greatest thing is is that it is still so new that people are still finding new ways to use Smart boards.

For those who do not know what a Smart board is, it is an interactive whiteboard developed by SMART Technologies. Teachers can use it as a large interactive computer or an interactive whiteboard. Students are encouraged to come up and participate by touching the whiteboard as if it were a mouse for a computer or use its special markers to draw or write on it.

The greatest thing about it is there are so many free download-able Smart board activities and lessons that teachers can use in his or her classroom. Websites such as Smarttech, Smarter Smart board use, PowPak all offer very useful (and free!) activities, games and lessons that are easily accessible to use from the Smart board.

This tool allows students to interact with their lessons. Who wouldn't want to come up and use a huge interactive whiteboard? I enjoy using it every time I get a chance! Students will fight over use of the Smart board, therefore encouraging a healthy learning environment.

Any district, school, or teacher fortunate enough to have access to a Smart board should use it whenever given the chance.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic License.

Wiki's are a great thing. I think they can really be used in the classroom. I created a wiki for my CEP class and had to gear it towards my classroom. I chose to make a 'Safe Zone' wiki. This is where students can pretty much blog about their feelings in the classroom, ideas, or concerns. It is a 100% safe zone and for my eyes and the rest of the classes eyes only. I started out my wiki by writing to my 'class' about a lesson I had just done with them. I explained what the lesson was and how it was a huge success! (I explained the lesson so parents who go on the wiki know what I am talking about and have a little bit of background). The Safe Zone is a great way for me to express my gratitude on a good day and my frustration on a bad one. It is a place where I can praise my students but also address issues that may be better addressed through written words and where parents can see them as well.

For my students, I hope they use this as a space to do the same. I want them to write about a project they really enjoyed or a lesson they loved but also be able to write about something that bothered them or a lesson that they really didn't enjoy.

By creating The Safe Zone, students should feel that they have more of a voice. A place where they can share what they want when they originally felt they needed to keep it to themselves.

I have a few concerns with the wiki.
1) in all honesty, I would probably not use one in the classroom. I would not want students able to change what I say or put words in my mouth or the mouths of others.
2) I would have to trust my students 100% and keep a close eye on the wiki. I think I would feel much more comfortable using a normal webpage or blog for an assignment or something like The Safe Zone.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.0 Generic License.

Spellcheck has made us ALL horrible spellers. Yes, it corrects our misspellings and helps us look like great spellers on paper, but the reality is, it has made us worse spellers outside of the computer.

Myself included, I rely on spellcheck more than I should. I even have it on my phone! It spellchecks my text messages.. Although it has helped me write papers faster and text with confidence, I am embarrassed when I have to write something handwritten. I find myself stumbling over words I should know how to spell (Is is effect or affect?)

Students are figuring out that they really don't have to know how to spell as long as they have spellcheck. I bet most students don't even know how to use a hardcover dictionary! How sad is that.

A valid argument is that spellcheck will ultimately help students spell correctly because they are seeing their misspellings get corrected. Is this true? I can honestly say that when I use spellcheck I don't really pay attention to the correct spelling because it is getting corrected for me.

Even as I type this the words I type too fast and mess up get underlined in red. Even if I know how to spell it, I still allow spellcheck to do it for me!

Spellcheck is easy and that is why we use it! But how much will us as teachers allow it in the classroom? How much 'difficulty' are we willing to sacrifice in order to produce better spellers?


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic License.

This week,we are to explore a new technology. Having already explored a wide variety, I have to say I had to do some research. What do teachers like to use? What has been proven to keep students engaged yet teach them new information? What I have found is that interactive websites seem to do the trick. Bringing up certain websites to show the kids something to go along with a lesson or taking them to the computer lab to do some self explorations could really enhance student's learning.

Some websites are meant to be used in the classroom! Refdesk.com has 'websites of the day' where you have a variety of interesting websites to show your classroom depending on the curriculum. This site also has features such as, 'Thought of the Day', 'Word of the Day', and current events. On the website, you can search topics specific to your state and city! This website was recommended by multiple teachers all over.

A lot of younger classrooms (kindergarten through 1st or 2nd) start out their day by discussing the weather. This website, wunderground.com, breaks down weather and shows pictures based on the country they search. This would be great to incorporate with a geography or social studies lesson. Anything that can bring a far away country closer to the classroom makes it more relatable and easily understood by students.

A puzzlemaker is also a great tool for teachers. Teachers can create crossword puzzles, word searches, mazes, etc... based on the unit or lesson. Making up fun, yet informative, activities using vocabulary words can increase students understandings of new words. This can also allow teachers to break away from using pre-made puzzles and activities and encourage teachers to create their own!

Overall, interactive websites can support and enhance lessons. They are useful for both teachers and students! It also doesn't hurt that websites are free (for the most part) and easily accessible.