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East Lansing, MI, United States
I just graduated from Michigan State University with a bachelor degree in Elementary Education. I moved to Chicago and I am student teaching in Hyde Park

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


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This week,we are to explore a new technology. Having already explored a wide variety, I have to say I had to do some research. What do teachers like to use? What has been proven to keep students engaged yet teach them new information? What I have found is that interactive websites seem to do the trick. Bringing up certain websites to show the kids something to go along with a lesson or taking them to the computer lab to do some self explorations could really enhance student's learning.

Some websites are meant to be used in the classroom! Refdesk.com has 'websites of the day' where you have a variety of interesting websites to show your classroom depending on the curriculum. This site also has features such as, 'Thought of the Day', 'Word of the Day', and current events. On the website, you can search topics specific to your state and city! This website was recommended by multiple teachers all over.

A lot of younger classrooms (kindergarten through 1st or 2nd) start out their day by discussing the weather. This website, wunderground.com, breaks down weather and shows pictures based on the country they search. This would be great to incorporate with a geography or social studies lesson. Anything that can bring a far away country closer to the classroom makes it more relatable and easily understood by students.

A puzzlemaker is also a great tool for teachers. Teachers can create crossword puzzles, word searches, mazes, etc... based on the unit or lesson. Making up fun, yet informative, activities using vocabulary words can increase students understandings of new words. This can also allow teachers to break away from using pre-made puzzles and activities and encourage teachers to create their own!

Overall, interactive websites can support and enhance lessons. They are useful for both teachers and students! It also doesn't hurt that websites are free (for the most part) and easily accessible.

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