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East Lansing, MI, United States
I just graduated from Michigan State University with a bachelor degree in Elementary Education. I moved to Chicago and I am student teaching in Hyde Park

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Technology is a luxury

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Technology needs to be integrated into teaching. However, what about schools that cannot afford expensive technology?

Although technology is great and should be incorporated into lessons whenever teachers are able to, I think we need to correct ourselves when we say technology 'should' be incorporated and say technology 'can' be incorporated into lessons. When we say 'should' or 'need' it comes off as if schools with limited technology are not getting a proper education. Technology enhances learning but it does not define learning. We learned just fine before technology became readily available.

Teachers who use email and class websites need to check with their class before deciding that computers will be a necessary way of communicating. As teachers, we need to remember that not every household has a computer or email account. We need to especially remember this if we are working in a lower income area.

My issue is we need to stop talking about how important technology is to teaching and rephrase it by saying that technology is very useful, but it is not a necessity when it comes to teaching and learning.


  1. Alison, I completely agree with you! Technology is obviously a very useful tool for education and in the classroom, but you're right, in reality many schools and households do not have access to technology. We often take technology for granted, assuming that everyone has access to e-mail or internet or other technolgoy tools. However, we do have to be sensitive to those who may not have the means to this "luxury." Before I begin to use technology in my classroom, such as creating a class website or e-mailing home as a means of communication, I will definitely assess the situation: do students have access to technology? Do these students have internet at home? Do my students' families have e-mail? Very good and true point that technology is a luxury!

  2. Alison,
    You make a great point in your post. I contemplate this often. It all comes down to your specific class and families. Your following statement truly affected my thinking: "Technology enhances learning but it does not define learning." I never thought of it this way. It is exactly true! People learned just fine before all of these technologies. Even we are an example of that. This generation is booming with new technologies everyday. Great post!
