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East Lansing, MI, United States
I just graduated from Michigan State University with a bachelor degree in Elementary Education. I moved to Chicago and I am student teaching in Hyde Park

Monday, February 1, 2010

Technology observations

This semester I am working in a 2nd grade classroom in the East Lansing school district. I go twice a week for 2 hours each time. Although the school is located in an area where money is not as scarce as it is in other districts, they do not seem to use the technology they are quite fortunate to have as much as I would think they would. A Smart Board, which so many teachers would be THRILLED to have in their possession, collects dust in the library. A whole computer lab goes (for the most part) untouched. These materials that could be utilized during day-to-day lessons go overlooked and set aside.
Technological items that are specific to the classroom I work in are used quite often. Although the extent of the technology present in the classroom is an Elmo overhead projector, TV and a single computer. Each resource is used almost every time I have been in the classroom. I myself have used the Elmo during my occasional lessons. It has been great when the class is working on a worksheet of some kind. They can work on it individually but their attention can be called up to the Elmo where we can come together as a class and work on a particularly tricky problem or two.
So, although higher technology is present in the school, it does not seem to be utilized by the individual classrooms. Why is this? Are teachers fearful of leaving their classroom to teach a lesson in the computer lab? Are teachers afraid of the Smart Board or other aspects of higher technology?
Whatever the case may be, teachers should be using the technology they are fortunate enough to have in their school for their benefit and the benefit of their students.

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