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East Lansing, MI, United States
I just graduated from Michigan State University with a bachelor degree in Elementary Education. I moved to Chicago and I am student teaching in Hyde Park

Monday, February 1, 2010

When technology fails you...

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As much as I love technology and think it is an absolute must to have in the classroom, I can't help but hate it equally as much. When technology fails us, it is as if the world is coming to an end. When my phone stops working or I can't receive any emails my whole day is ruined! As much as we utilize technology it will fail us twice as often.
Just last week I was in one of my method teaching classes and the Internet just stopped working halfway through the class. Perhaps it was because I could no longer facebook chat, but the whole class just shut down! We all acted as though we just could not go on with class or continue lecture. When did our lives come to this? When did it start revolving around technology?
Here at MSU we use a website called ANGEL. ANGEL is where our professors can post lecture notes and homework assignments. It is also a site where we can upload papers, projects, and post on discussion boards. It is a great tool and is used quite often in the majority of my classes. However, when the ANGEL site is down all hell breaks loose! We can no longer download the readings assigned for class or upload our 20 page papers we have worked weeks on. When ANGEL is down everyone panics and it seems as though class cannot go on.
So why do we rely on technology so much when it can 'break down' anytime? Aside from the convenience and the organization ANGEL brings MSU students and staff, why not turn in hard copies or assign readings from the $200 textbook we had to buy?
When did we decide, as a campus community, to put all our eggs is one technologically constructed basket?


  1. I agree, we depend on technology a lot and I know the feeling when you seem disconnected with the world. I don't know how many times I have done a presentation that does not go the way that I thought it would. For not having the same office, to the flash drive not working or the pictures not loading correctly. It does seem as if something always goes wrong. However, I think that if I was doing an entire day or lesson with technology I would have a Plan B. I think that many teachers do this daily because you never know that could go wrong. However, I do see your fear and I think this fear is often why teachers do stay away from technology.

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  3. Alison,
    I very much agree with you. Technology never ceases to amaze me, but it also never ceases to frustrate me! I agree with your opinions towards ANGEL also. It seems the world ends when issues happen with that website. It is a crucial aspect to our learning here at Michigan State University. I like Megan's point of having a 'Plan B' for lesson planning with technology. After all, 'life happens' and you must roll with the punches.
